Tuesday 4 November 2014


When a businessman want to know the performance of his two or more companies at a time then it use group company option.
By this option we use all our companies as grouping and see performance of all companies at a time. We can also compare performances of companies.
Working steps-
   1.     For make group company we have at least two companies. (For ex- we make two companies prince and aim.)
   2.     Open these companies (which you want to add in Group Company).
   3.     Select group company option from company info box (Alt+F3). 
   4.     After that group company creation form open as follows, fill it and select that member companies from open companies list in that group.

Note- if we make any ledger, voucher entry or other things in group company we use it in all member companies of group.
Working in Group Company

We create ledgers in Aim Company and done voucher entry as follows-
Path for ledger creation-G.O.T. (gateway of tally) -->a/c info (account info) --> ledgers --> multiple ledger creation.

Path for voucher entry-G.O.T. (gateway of tally) --> accounting voucher --> F5 (payment voucher).

Select Prince Company and do ledger creation and voucher entry again.
Path for ledger creation-G.O.T. (gateway of tally) --> a/c info (account info) --> ledgers--> multiple ledger creation.

Path for voucher entry-G.O.T. (gateway of tally) --> accounting voucher --> F6 (receipt voucher).

Press F9 (purchase voucher).

Press F8 (sales voucher).

View Report of both company in group company
Select Group Company (prince & aim) and then follow the path-
Path for View Report -G.O.T. (gateway of tally) --> display --> trial balance --> press “Alt + c”--> select aim -->press “Alt + c” --> select prince -->press “Alt + c”--> select prince & aim.

For delete any column press “Alt + D”.
For more detail press “Alt + F1”.

1 comment:

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